OLV Motion Graphic Commericals

For our OLV ad buy we needed a series of videos that fit within our “IWU is How” campaign. Using our students and their stories, I was tasked with creating seven - 15 second motion graphic ads. A script was provided for each one and from there I sought out voice actors to produce the audio, came up with a creative direction, animated and designed each video.

IWU Characteristics Video

For this video, I was given a script and then I storyboarded and produced the entire video. This was my first full length motion graphic video for the university in my role as Senior Designer.

Wesley Seminary DOCTOR OF MINISTRY Video

Combining video footage with motion graphics was the direction I was given. After storyboarding and deciding the visual direction I wanted to take this I sought out to accomplish it. My goal while storyboarding was to design what I thought the video needed and not what I knew I could do in Adobe After Affects. That meant that my process was one of constant learning to bring my ideas on paper into fruition in motion graphics.